位於海拔790公尺的Bob's Peak鮑柏峰,
讓遊客可以在欣賞皇后鎮美景當中, 抵達山頂餐廳平台,
餐後我們到樓上的觀景台, 欣賞山坡下皇后鎮的醉人美景。
~~ 皇后鎮登山纜車車站
~~ Kiwi buffet 價格表
~~ 鳥瞰皇后鎮
~~ 高空彈跳場
~~山頂餐廳 外陽台上 的纜車車廂
~~ Lake Wakatipu
Gondola lift
A gondola lift, also called a cable car, is a type of aerial lift which is supported and propelled by cables from above.
It consists of a loop of steelcable that is strung between two stations,
sometimes over intermediate supporting towers.
The cable is driven by a bullwheel in a terminal, which is typically connected to an engine or electric motor.
They are often considered continuous systems
since they feature a haul rope which continuously moves and circulates around two terminal stations.
[1] Depending on the combination of cables used for support and/or haulage
and the type of grip (detachable grip vs. fixed grip),
the capacity, cost, and functionality of a gondola lift will differ dramatically.
Because of the proliferation of such systems in the Alpine regions of Europe,
the French language name of Télécabine is also used in an English language context.
Gondola lifts should not be confused with aerial tramways as the latter solely operates with fixed grips
and simply shuttles back and forth between two end terminals.