McWay Falls 座落 在加州 沿海1 號 公路 旁
Julia Pfeiffer Burns State Park 內,
若不刻意 找尋 還看不見 它的 蹤影 呢!
這個80 呎高的 McWay Falls~原本是加州地區兩個直接落海的瀑布 之一.
但因 1983 年的火災 及1985年的山崩造成McWay海灣變型導致
目前有海浪湧進時, 瀑布才會直接落海 .
藍綠色的 海水~
生長在岩石上的松樹 ~
優美的海灣 ~
創立 Julia Pfeiffer Burns State Park 之 兩位女士 :
Reference :
McWay Falls is an 80-foot waterfall located in Julia Pfeiffer Burns State Park
that flows year-round.
This waterfall is one of only two in the region that are close enough to the ocean
to be referred to as "tidefalls", the other being Alamere Falls.
The source of the waterfall is McWay Creek and is one of the few
waterfalls that empties directly into the ocean.
Originally the waterfall cascaded directly into the ocean
but after a 1983 fire and 1985 landslides, the topography of McWay Cove was altered,
forming an inaccessible beach. The waterfall now meets the ocean when the tide is in.