科奇坎 ( Ketchikan) 擁有豐富多彩的本土文化,是特領吉族印地安人的老家,
Ketchikan is located on Revillagigedo Island,
so named in 1793 by Captain George Vancouver.
Ketchikan has more totem poles than anywhere else in Alaska,
ranging from 19th century poles from now-abandoned villages to more recent carvings.
Ketchikan on other accounts claim it means "Thundering Wings of an Eagle".
Ketchikan is named after Ketchikan Creek, which flows through the town.
"Ketchikan" comes from the Tlingit name for the creek,
It may mean "the river belonging to Kitschk".
This boardwalk pedestrian street is built on pilings above Ketchikan Creek.
Shops, restaurants, and museums are nestled between Ketchikan’s rocky hillsides
and the creek that gave the city its name.